The Friends of Crowders Mountain group provides assistance to Crowders Mountain State Park (CMSP) in the areas of raising public awareness of CMSP, providing educational programs/training, hosting/co-hosting CMSP and area events,and donating equipment and supplies. As Park staff cannot fundraise, we are set up as a 501c3 educational organization to accept donations made to benefit CMSP.
Some examples of our assistance to CMSP include publishing activities related to CMSP in local media/social media, providing volunteer opportunities for interested area residents, donations of educational materials (Trail Master certification), hosting/co-hosting CMSP related events at the park and in the community (representing CMSP/Friends at Earth Day-Schiele Museum), liaison with other groups regarding outdoor activities (Carolina Thread Trail) and donating equipment and supplies to enhance CMSP services (the auditorium Surround Sound system, trail maintenance equipment and tools, snacks/drinks for Volunteer Trail Days).