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Become A Friend
Support and join our efforts in keeping Crowders Mountain State Park a beautiful treasure for all to enjoy! We have several different membership levels to choose from.

State Park Information
Crowders Mountain State Park is enjoyed by thousands every year. Click below to learn more about the park’s peaks, trails, recreational activities, and access points.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."
- Margaret Mead
About Friends of Crowders
Who We Are
Friends of Crowders Mountain, Inc. was formed in December, 2000 and has grown into a 501(c)3 tax exempt, tax-deductible, non-profit public charity. The friends group can ask individuals and corporations for donations for park improvement – something that the park staff, as government employees, are not permitted to do. Some of the projects funded thus far include trail signs, and insect collection storage system, cameras, and a video production computer, as well as program materials and meals for emergency workers.
Mission Statement
The purposes for which Friends of Crowders Mountain is organized are to develop, encourage, and promote public awareness of Crowders Mountain State Park; to serve as a philanthropic and volunteer organization for support and maintenance of programs, development of facilities, and promotion of recreational resources of Crowders Mountain State Park; to solicit, hold, and expend funds for such purposes; and to render assistance as requested by the North Carolina Divisions of Parks and Recreation, Crowders Mountain State Park. These purposes are exclusively nonprofit, charitable, educational, and environmental.