Being A Friend
Being a Friend of Crowders Mountain is about being a part of a community who believes in preserving and up-keeping the wonder that is known as Crowders Mountain State Park. Friends of Crowders Mountain are volunteers, who come from communities throughout the region, offering both hands-on support and financial support the great cause of preserving this great park.
Friends are Active… in park improvement projects.
Friends are Involved… in Programs and Events.
Friends Make a Difference… in Fundraising and Gift Shop Items.
There are so many things to do and help out, and we are always in need of extra hands to join us in working hard to preserve the park. We would love to have you become a member and join us in our noble efforts! Below you will find a list of our membership levels and their annual prices. Simply choose the level that’s the best fit for you and let’s get started together making a difference today!